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Personalize COBRA summary panel

Use these instructions to add a COBRA Summary panel to the Summary option which displays in the Member navigation menu.

  1. From a Home session, click Personalize in the navigation menu. The Personalize screen displays.
  2. Select Member from the Session Type list.
  3. In the Summary Panel Configuration area, select COBRA—Most Recent Event in any of the panels you choose. In the example below, we chose Upper Left.

  4. Choose to add other panels as necessary and click Save once you're finished.
  5. To see your changes, return to the Menu and open a Member session.
  6. Choose Member > Summary from the left-hand navigation menu. The COBRA—Most Recent Event information displays in the pane you chose. This is the latest COBRA event added to the system for this member's family.

  7. The panel contains the following COBRA—Most Recent Event information.
    • Event ID, Qualifying Event (code and description), Qualifying Event Date, and the Status History table which includes:
      • Status Code
      • Effective Date
      • Expiration Date
      • Operator
      • Action Date
      • Comment If a comment has been entered on the Event Summary tab, a check mark displays in the Comment field. You can hover over the check mark to view the comment.

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